Wednesday, 25 January 2017

As I felt the first experiments of cutting squares and re-arranging them were successful and I really liked it I decided to try it again using a different photograph and different arrangement. This time I wanted to cut out larger squares, and cut up the whole picture rather than just a small section of it.

Here is the photograph cut up into squares before I re-arranged them. Already before they are re-arranged , I could tell it was going to be more successful. I think it is quite good as it is with slight gaps between the square and that is before it has be re-arranged to create a distorted effect. 

As my focus is figures for this one I decided to only re-arrange the squares in the section where the body is. In each column I kept one in the same place and the swapped around each pair. This meant that no two matching would be next to each other in the re-arranged columns. I decided not to try any other arrangements for this photograph because I felt that it looked really successful already as I had arranged it so I stuck it down onto cardboard as it was. I decided to stick this onto cardboard to see if the cardboard would wrinkle up like the paper does in my sketchbook when I stuck it down. I found that the cardboard did not wrinkle however it does curve slightly so I painted a layer of PVA glue on the other side to try and counteract this.

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