Monday, 23 January 2017

Life Drawing

I did a session of life-drawing which was my first time ever doing life drawing. I found it difficult at first to get the proportions right of the model and I was struggling with the time of 10 minutes as I couldn't finish my full body drawings. I tried then to use a wire skeleton to try and help me with the proportions of the figure however I found that I was then spending most of the 10 minutes focusing on getting the proportions correct rather than drawing the figure. I realised that using pencil probably was not the best material as it was very restricting for the short amount of time I had to do each 10 minute drawing so I decided to use a Biro-pen without the skeletal wire which I found worked really well as I managed to get the whole body drawn and some of the other subjects in the background. We then had the model do some more straining poses and had only 5 minutes drawing time so I decided to use graphite and focus on specific sections of the body and mark making to create the tones and shapes of the body. I personally feel as though the pen and graphite drawings were my most successful of all of the studies I did and I have decided to do some more quick 5/10 minute drawings of my family and friends to try and capture body shape and proportions to help me have a deeper understanding of figures and people and the shapes the body can make rather than the details of the person.

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